Profile picture of Alfonso Rodriguez

Alfonso Rodriguez

Director of Product Marketing, Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing -

As the Product Marketing Director for the Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing, Alfonso Rodriguez oversees Microsoft's marketing efforts for the manufacturing sector. He aims to help customers understand how the Microsoft Cloud and Microsoft's partner networks can solve some of the industry's toughest problems and create a more sustainable future.

Sessions Presenting

Acelere la transformación industrial con la IA

Mexico City
Session Ended
Tuesday, September 24
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Taller 1
La inteligencia artificial industrial promete influir en todos los aspectos de la forma en que los fabricantes diseñan productos innovadores, construyen y operan instalaciones inteligentes y habilitan las primeras líneas. Aprenda cómo los datos y la inteligencia artificial pueden ayudar a potenciar a las organizaciones para lograr una transformación sostenible.
Thursday, September 26
6:15 PM - 7:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
A IA industrial promete afetar todos os aspectos da forma como as organizações impulsionam a inovação de produtos, capacitam as operações e interagem com os clientes. Saiba como os dados e a IA podem ajudar a transformar sua cadeia de valor de energia de ponta a ponta para um futuro mais sustentável.

Accelerate industrial transformation with AI

New York
Session Ended
Thursday, January 30
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Theater 1
Industrial AI promises to impact every aspect of how manufacturers design innovative products, build and operate intelligent facilities, and enable frontlines. Learn how data and AI can help empower organizations to achieve sustainable transformation. 
Wednesday, March 5
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Theater 1
AI promises to impact every aspect of how organizations drive product innovation, empower operations, and engage with customers. Learn how data and AI can help transform industrial organizations, from natural resources to manufacturing to energy for a more sustainable future.