マイクロソフトの会長兼 CEO であるサティア・ナデラが、最新の AI が人々の生活と働き方にどのような影響を与えるかについて紹介します。
Microsoft’s Chairman and CEO, Satya Nadella, will share how this new generation of AI is reshaping how people live and work everywhere, including in the region.
※Note: This session will be delivered in English. Japanese interpretation will be available.
Esta é uma sessão futura
O conteúdo de vídeo será exibido aqui quando a sessão começar. Até breve!

Satya Nadella
Chairman and CEO
Satya Nadella is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Before being named CEO in February 2014, Nadella held leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer businesses across the company.Joining Microsoft in 1992, he quickly became known as a leader who could span a breadth of technologies and businesses to transform some of Microsoft’s biggest product offerings.
Most recently, Nadella was executive vice president of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group. In this role he led the transformation to the cloud infrastructure and services business, which outperformed the market and took share from competition. Previously, Nadella led R&D for the Online Services Division and was vice president of the Microsoft Business Division. Before joining Microsoft, Nadella was a member of the technology staff at Sun Microsystems.
Originally from Hyderabad, India, Nadella lives in Bellevue, Washington. He earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Mangalore University, a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. Nadella serves on the board of trustees to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and his alma mater the University of Chicago, as well as the Starbucks board of directors. He is married and has three children.
Most recently, Nadella was executive vice president of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group. In this role he led the transformation to the cloud infrastructure and services business, which outperformed the market and took share from competition. Previously, Nadella led R&D for the Online Services Division and was vice president of the Microsoft Business Division. Before joining Microsoft, Nadella was a member of the technology staff at Sun Microsystems.
Originally from Hyderabad, India, Nadella lives in Bellevue, Washington. He earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Mangalore University, a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. Nadella serves on the board of trustees to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and his alma mater the University of Chicago, as well as the Starbucks board of directors. He is married and has three children.

津坂美樹 (Miki Tsusaka)
代表取締役社長 (Representative Director and President)
2023年2月、日本マイクロソフトの代表取締役社長に就任。日本におけるマイクロソフトの製品、ソリューション、サービス、カスタマーサポートを統括し、お客様やビジネスパートナー様との連携をリードします。グローバルとローカル双方におけるプロダクティビティとプラットフォームのリーディングカンパニーとして日本のデジタルトランスフォーメーションを推進。また、個人、組織、政府にとって信頼できるパートナーとして、日本におけるマイクロソフトの評価を高め、強化することに注力しています。2024年10月、 Fortune「世界で最もパワフルな女性100人」に選出。
日本マイクロソフト入社前は、ボストン コンサルティング グループ(BCG)のシニアパートナー &マネージングダイレクターとして、国内外の幅広い業界のクライアント企業に対して、成長戦略策定や実行支援、収益向上、組織再編やデジタルトランスフォーメーションに関するコンサルティング業務に従事。マーケティングや営業、価格戦略の策定に特化したコンサルティンググループを創設し、BCGのサービス領域の拡大をリード。BCGの経営においては、2期6年に渡るエグゼクティブ・コミッティ(経営会議)メンバーに加え、チーフ マーケティング オフィサー(CMO)を務めました。
Miki Tsusaka is the Representative Director and President of Microsoft Japan. Appointed in February 2023, she leads Microsoft’s engagement with customers, and business partners and is responsible for all product, solution, service, and support offerings in Japan.
Under her leadership, she focuses on enabling the acceleration of Japan's digital transformation through Microsoft’s global and local expertise of our leadi.
日本マイクロソフト入社前は、ボストン コンサルティング グループ(BCG)のシニアパートナー &マネージングダイレクターとして、国内外の幅広い業界のクライアント企業に対して、成長戦略策定や実行支援、収益向上、組織再編やデジタルトランスフォーメーションに関するコンサルティング業務に従事。マーケティングや営業、価格戦略の策定に特化したコンサルティンググループを創設し、BCGのサービス領域の拡大をリード。BCGの経営においては、2期6年に渡るエグゼクティブ・コミッティ(経営会議)メンバーに加え、チーフ マーケティング オフィサー(CMO)を務めました。
Miki Tsusaka is the Representative Director and President of Microsoft Japan. Appointed in February 2023, she leads Microsoft’s engagement with customers, and business partners and is responsible for all product, solution, service, and support offerings in Japan.
Under her leadership, she focuses on enabling the acceleration of Japan's digital transformation through Microsoft’s global and local expertise of our leadi.