Unveiling the future of work with Copilot AI agents powered by Celonis

수요일, 3월 5일
12:00 - 12:15 그리니치 표준시
소요 시간: 15분
Theater 2
세션 종료됨
Miodrag Vidakovic|Celonis

The Celonis Platform forms the connective tissue of an enterprise. At its heart, the Process Intelligence Graph features a representation of an organization’s workflows in a process digital twin-enriched with business context. Celonis and Microsoft Copilot are a perfect match. Celonis identifies pockets of value by revealing improvement opportunities on customers’ processes. Autonomous agents built on Copilot resolve these inefficiencies. Join us to envision this future of work.

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Unveiling the future of work with Copilot AI agents powered by Celonis

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