Jordan France さんのプロフィール写真

Jordan France

Data & AI Technical Specialist -

Jordan France is a passionate AI advocate who works with the Nonprofit sector to bring tangible and impactful AI use cases that empower their missions across Australia and New Zealand. Jordan specializes in working with organizations to harness the power of their data and bend the curve on innovation with AI.

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Accelerate nonprofit impact with AI

火曜日, 12月 10日
21:15 - 22:00 グリニッジ標準時
Workshop 1 | Exhibition Centre, Hall 1, Level 1
Are you curious how nonprofit organizations can harness the power of AI to drive social impact and innovation? Join experts from Microsoft's dedicated nonprofit industry team as we explore real-world examples of AI applications in areas such as fundraising, resource allocation, and community engagement. Join us to gain insights into how to start your own AI journey, including through technology and skilling.
水曜日, 12月 11日
01:20 - 01:35 グリニッジ標準時
Theatre 1 | Exhibition Centre, Hall 4, Level 1
AI conversations are happening everywhere. But what is the next step when your board asks you for your AI strategy? In this workshop, we delve beyond the technical aspects of AI to address the strategic, ethical, and security considerations you should discuss with your key stakeholders, including policy frameworks, decision making processes, and risk assessment. Equip your board with information to navigate AI governance responsibly and ensure alignment with your nonprofit’s mission and values.
Paul Tanner|Microsoft
Andrew Dome|Uniting
Angeline Michelutti|Microsoft