Advanced coding: Visual Studio & GitHub Copilot

火曜日, 12月 3日
8:00 PM - 8:45 PM グリニッジ標準時
期間: 45 分
Breakout 2, North Hall A, Level 300

This session will cover using GitHub Copilot to solve a real-world scenario where an ecommerce application is having performance issues. GitHub Copilot will be used to understand the unfamiliar codebase and then explore and apply a solution.


オンデマンド ビデオは、セッションが終了してから 24 ~ 48 時間後にこちらに表示されます。

Alfredo Deza さんのプロフィール写真

Alfredo Deza

Cloud Advocate
Alfredo Deza is a software engineer, speaker, author, and former Olympic athlete working as a Cloud Advocate for Microsoft. He has written several books about programming languages and artificial intelligence, and has created online courses about the cloud and machine learning.