Leigh-Ann Russell
Leigh-Ann Russell is Chief Information Officer and Global Head of Engineering. She is also a member of the BNY Executive Committee.
Prior to joining BNY, Leigh-Ann was a member of BP’s Executive Committee, reporting to the CEO. As Executive Vice President, Innovation & Engineering at BP, her role covered Chief Scientist, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Digital Officer. Prior to that role, Leigh-Ann was BP’s Chief Procurement Officer, where she was accountable for its safe, ethical and competitive supply chain.
Leigh-Ann’s career is based in engineering and operations. Her previous roles have included Engineering Manager and Operations Manager and Vice President of Technical Functions, where she led the Process Safety, Engineering and Operations discipline at BP.
Leigh-Ann earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Aberdeen, is a chartered engineer and has been recognized with Fellowships of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Ene.