AI 혁신의 시대, 변화 주도하기 (Leading in the age of AI transformation)

Wednesday, March 26
2:45 AM - 4:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time
Duration 1 hour 15 minutes
Keynote & Breakout 1 키노트 및 브레이크아웃 세션 1

사티아 나델라 Microsoft 이사회 의장 겸 CEO가 새로운 AI 세대가 글로벌 및 지역 사회에서 사람들의 생활과 업무 방식을 어떻게 변화시키고 있는지 공유합니다.

참고: 본 세션은 영어로 진행되며, 한국어 통역이 제공됩니다.

This is an upcoming session

Profile picture of Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella

Chairman and CEO
Satya Nadella is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Before being named CEO in February 2014, Nadella held leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer businesses across the company.
Profile picture of 조원우 (Willy Cho)

조원우 (Willy Cho)

Chief Executive Officer
Willy Cho (Wonwoo Cho) is the CEO of Microsoft Korea. Appointed in August 2023, he oversees domestic business operations and leads the comprehensive relationship between Microsoft and its customers and partners in Korea.
Profile picture of Thomas Dohmke

Thomas Dohmke

Thomas Dohmke is CEO of GitHub and drives the company’s mission of making GitHub the home for all developers. Fascinated by software development since his childhood, Thomas is passionate about building tools developers love and creating products that drive software development forward.